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Wednesday 21 March 2007

Sophie Morelli has Arrived!!!

Well here she is, all 6 pounds something of beautiful baby. Seen here for the first time in her little crib at the hospital. She is treating everyone perfectly getting solid 4 hour sleeps in at a time only waking when she's hungry. Much the same as most uni students too!

She looks so tiny when you pick her up. I'm always as nervous as hell due to her being so frail.

More drinking... do you remember when your dinners were 60ml?

Will seems to already have a very special bond with her. He loves to sit next to her.

But when he gets tired of that its always back to having fun. Its great to see how active he is. I've managed to get 'dog' out of him and if you ask where is the dog he'll turn and point to Nell or Roxy.

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