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Sunday, 28 January 2007

Aussie Day at Cremorne Pt

Hi Guys

Well here are the photos from Cremorne Point. Sorry about the delay in processing but some of us have to work sometimes :)


Saturday, 27 January 2007

Australia Day @ Balmoral

Ok guys, here are the photos from Balmoral on Aussie Day, still have to process the photos from Cremorne Point, I'll put them up later, possibly tomorrow.


Friday, 26 January 2007

Hi everyone, Australia Day photos are been processed at the moment, i'll have the photo's up soon for your enjoyment!

Some Cool night pics

Really love this one, one of the first 'real' photos with my new camera. I dont know why these are all so small, i'll try and get larger versions. Its the Forster-Tuncurry Bridge at night taken from one of the surrounding apartment buildings. Enjoy

Some random road pics from the same location...

Just did this one on the Gore Hill Freeway the other day, buggering around with long exposures a bit

Photo's of the little fella!

Hey Sas!

Here are a few piccies of Will and Co. from Forster. Thought you might like them, make sure you tell Big Moz!


Symphony in the Domain

Beautiful, Now that I know how to do this i'll start putting some more piccies up.

Here are the photos from the Symphony in the Domain that we went to the other night. Many thanks to all for bringing the food and the chit chat :)

First photo post, fingers crossed all!

Ok guys and gals here's my first attempt. Just a few furry locals that I snapped at the start of New Years.

The Pics got gradually worse as the night wore on.

Thursday, 25 January 2007


Hi Everyone!

I'm trying to put together a bit of a blog and all the photos (the good ones) that I take around the place. I know its annoying having a camera poking around when your having fun but now you'll all have good piccies to remember the day.

If you want a full size version let me know and i'll send one via email or disk if you want heaps. The photos on this site are only small resolution and wont blow up too well. I don't know how well they'll even go in standard 8x6 but if someones bored and wants to try let me know.

Benny Boy!